Restuarant based out of Keene, NH. Muse Bistro opened in 2023 as a Muse Tapas Lounge & Bar and has since gone through three changes to find it's identity and cuisine. Allura has assisted in the the transitions from its original identity and continues to work weekly with this company to hone in its image. Work includes logo rebranding, menu development and advertising.

Muse Bistro transition from laid back casual comfort lunch & dinner to high end french cuisine at the start of 2025. Owner was looking for and elegant centered menu, which embellishments which included peacock feathers. 
Muse Bistro 2023 transition from spanish inspired tapas bar to a laid back bistro with world inspired comfort food in late 2023. This transition included a rework of its circular logo. Owner was interested in keeping the logo relatively the same for recognition but wanted to elevate the design to be slightly more lively and dynamic. Below is examples of work completed in the two years Muse has been open and its evolution from tapas to comfort bistro. The body of work includes private event menus, special cocktail and dinner menus and advertisements from both eras.
Muse's original tapas on left compared to its redesign for its switch to bistro
Muse enjoys doing monthly cocktail specials with themes as well as seasonal dinner & drink special cards.
Private event menus, customized with each guest's name. Each is hand cut and folded.
Advertising special events and food throughout the years working with Muse

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